| Oct. 17–21 — Stochastic Topology and Thermodynamic Limits, ICERM, Brown University. |
| Sep. 19–23 — Soft packings, nested clusters, and condensed matter, American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose. |
 | July 18–22 — STATPHYS 26, Lyon. |
 | July 13–15 — International Workshop on Jamming and Granular Matter, Queen Mary University of London. |
| July 4–8 — Conference on Convex and Discrete Geometry, Technical University, Vienna. |
| June 27–July 1 — Optimal and random point configurations, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris. |
| April 4–7 — 72 Hours of Science, Tesuque, New Mexico. |
 | Mar. 14–18 — American Physical Society March Meeting, Baltimore. |
 | Mar. 11 — Applied Math Seminar, Courant Institute, New York University. |
| Mar, 10 — Princeton Biophysics Journal Club seminar, Princeton University. |